Thursday, March 17, 2011

Potty training!

Megan is now ready for potty training. We have been going at it now for a few days straight, and she is doing really well!! Only one accident! Yeah!! She acts a little stand offish at first, but once I get her on the potty, and she sits there for a second, she realizes that yes, she does need to go. I told her that if she kept her underwear dry for two weeks, she would get to pick out a toy that she really wanted. She is looking forward to that. She tells me a new toy every day. So, I guess we will be at the toy store for a while letting her choose. But, I am so excited!! One kid in diapers!! It's the first time since my oldest son was born that I have had the luxury of one baby in diapers.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Holidays!

It has been kind of chaotic around our house lately. Levi turned one last Thursday! I can't believe it has already been a year since I was holding him for the first time in the hospital. He is such a beautiful little boy.

The kids are getting very excited about Christmas. They love taking the ornaments and garland off of the tree. And I just love having to redecorate the tree every day. The cat has broken the bottom half of the tree. My tree limbs are hanging limply and pointing to the ground. No way to fix it. I may throw it out after Christmas and just get real trees from now on.

We have a count down to Christmas calendar and the kids love to move the star every morning and count how many days are left. I love seeing their excitement. It's contagious! I am getting into the holiday spirit too. I love baking this time of year. The smell of spices in the air is amazing. I bake a lot. Mostly so that the house smells intoxicating. But also to give to my neighbors a little treat. We have great neighbors. The boys next door shovel our walkway and driveway a lot. Such nice boys. So I repay them by bringing them cookies. They're teenage boys who love to eat. And eat and eat and eat. So I figure cookies are an okay gift. :)

Levi has his one year check up tomorrow. I will post again soon and let ya'll know how it goes. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Here are some pictures of the family I had on my phone. :)

Levi is walking!

My sweet little boy is walking. He started taking a few steps a couple of weeks ago, and now he is zooming! I can't believe how big he is getting. He will be a year old in a couple of weeks. I think we are going to have a little family party the weekend after his birthday. Try and get everyone here for that. We love having family and friends over. ( I think I like it more than some people.*cough* Keith)

This week is Thanksgiving. We are in for a busy week! Casey starts his break on Wednesday. That day will be filled with baking and cooking the roasted butternut squash with browned butter and nutmeg. And I will also be making pumpkin cheesecake and sugar free cupcakes. Baking is probably one of my most favorite things to do. Especially at this time of year. And my kids are old enough to help me more. Which is a lot of fun.

We are going up to Logan on Thursday to have dinner with Keith's family. And we will be visiting my parents while we are up there too. Friday we are going to be helping with any cleaning and repainting that needs to be done. The kids will be hanging out with my parents that day. They are very excited about that.

That is all for now. But I will be back on soon. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

And it's fall

Oh wow. Things have sure gotten cold rather quickly around here. My kids don't leave the house without jackets now. When we take Casey to school, it is freezing outside!!! It was so nice just last week too. In the 80's. Ahhhh...I love that weather. That is perfect for me. Not too hot. And NOT cold. I HATE the cold. Blech.

Casey is doing really well at school. Keith went to a parent teacher conference last week and was told that Casey is a very nice, smart kid. He is reading at the 8th grade level!!! That's my boy!!!! But she did say that he goes to the bathroom A LOT. I don't know what it up with that. Probably just an excuse to get out of doing something. Who knows.

Trevor, Megan and Levi have been having fun helping me around the house. We have been making a lot of stuff with apples lately because we got a TON of apples from grandma, and apparently, there are even more for us! So we have been making apple sauce, apple butter and apple pies. The kids love to help me peel and core the apples on our cool peeler. They feel like big helpers.

Levi is 10 months old now and is walking all around the house by hanging on to the walls and furniture. He is getting so big! He needs to slow down though! He is the last baby so I want him to stay little!!!

Keith and I are doing good. Stayin busy with our 4 little kids and Keith is working at Ebay still. So he keeps pretty busy with that.

Halloween is coming up and I am so excited!! It's my favorite holiday!!! I will post more when Halloween comes and put up some pictures too. For now, bundle up and stay warm!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

School time!

So. Casey starts first grade on the 25th. He is getting super excited and we have bought his school supplies and some school clothes. He keeps asking me when he will get to see his friends and meet his teacher. I am happy that he is excited about school. I don't know how long that will last, so I am taking it while I can.

Keith has finished school! He submitted his final project late last night. And unless they want him to revise anything, he is finished!!! I am so proud of him! He has worked full time and done school. He has a month long paid leave vacation from work that he can take anytime until next April and I think he is planning to do that pretty soon. He deserves the break!!

We have been talking about putting Trevor and Megan in preschool this fall. Not sure yet though. I know Trevor loves it and would do great. And I think Megan would too. But it's hard for ME to not have my kids around. So I need to buck up and just let them grow up. And enjoy just having one kid at home for a couple of hours each day.

Casey's birthday is this week too. He's gonna be 7! His two front top teeth are on their way out now. He's already lost the bottom front two. Crazy how much he's grown up. I still remember when we brought him home from the hospital and all I did was sit and hold him for hours on end. Just staring at him hardly believing that I was a mommy. And now, here I am 7 years later, the mother of 4 wonderful, beautiful kids.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer time kids

Levi is now 7 months old and a whopping 18.5 lbs! He is crawling every where and loves to eat anything we give him.
Casey and Trevor got summer hair cuts. They look so good with faux hawks.
Megan is my little girl. She is so cute the way she combines a cute, girly dress with her sneakers or cowgirl boots. She is a sweet girl and loves to be my little mommy. She is a good helper and is also very bossy. Which is kind of a pain sometimes. But, all in all, she is a great kid.